
45 Art Reviews

16 w/ Responses

Yes, I know who Chowder is. He's a gluttonous cat, bear, rabbit hybrid created by Carl Harvey Greenblatt, own by Cartoon Network.

Desanimart responds:

this, himself! didn't know he was a cat, a bear and a gluttonous rabbit, all together, living and learning

Dr. Eggman Glasses.

onznart responds:

but of course

Be sure to use smooth shading with 180° auto smoothness on the model.

Don't forget to make the textures, squares or rectangles (they can only go up to 64x64px or 256x256px size) for a truly 5th gen aesthetic experience.

Adding the number of verts, faces, & tris, plus textures used on the model in the description would help.

Shantae's anatomy could use some improvements (specifically the leg & body height, plus arms).

Also, the feet could've been more consistently shaped & putting a temporarily straight line underneath them would help keep them straight.

Is it just me or does Rouge look slightly pudgy in this drawing? (Not saying this like it's a bad.)

I wanna know how do you achieve this CRT effect you put in some of your drawings?

The gun doesn't look straight. Recommend to use the line & curve tools to make it look better.

Strange that this drawing is rated M, even tho I don't see anything remotely extremely adult related that warrants that rating.

My advice would be to get a T rating for mildly or moderate suggestive drawings, just click on the "some" option for Adult Themes & your drawing will have a T rating, guarantee.

GenoCL responds:

Thanks for the tip! I went with M for "Some nudity" since Lum is just wearing a bikini, thought that counted as "some" but tbh I'm not entirely sure of what constitutes actual "some nudity" for the site.

If you want the rotation animation to look seamless, watch these tutorials.

Using the line & curve tools would at least help make the lines less wobbly.

Just your average hobbyist.
If you enjoyed my artwork, don't forget to follow me & provide feedback.
No art theft, AI Art, & crypto scams allowed.
CW: Some artwork may contain content not suitable for all ages.

Nicolas Knight @SuperMcGuffin64

Age 28, Male

Cartoon Artist

United States of America

Joined on 9/7/21

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